Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Private Selection Gourmet and BzzAgent

I really, really like the Private Selection gourmet line from Kroger. My family and I bought different products to try as well as the ones we got from BzzAgent. There are many different products to try in the line. I tried the Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee, the Classic Water Crisps, the Garlic Stuffed Green Olives, the Buffalo Monterey Jack Cheese, and the Marinara Sauce. My favorite has to be the Buffalo Monterey Jack Cheese. If you get a chance to try Private Selection, I highly recommend it and your taste buds will thank you!

*Please note that I am a BzzAgent and occasionally do get free products to try out and review, however the above opinions are my own. Ask me how to become a BzzAgent!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

PERDUE® OVEN READY Chicken and BzzAgent

We tried the whole seasoned roaster from PERDUE®. It was so good. The chicken was very easy to bake following the directions on the package. The meat just fell of the bones and it was so full of flavor. Our whole family loved every bite! 

The only problem we had was finding it in the stores. None of our local Kroger's carried it and we had to search for awhile to find it at WalMart. The store employee even said they didn't carry it. 

But other then that it is an awesome tasting chicken that is super easy to make. Our entire family highly recommends it!

*Please note that I am a BzzAgent and occasionally do get free products to try out and review, however the above opinions are my own. Ask me how to become a BzzAgent!